Kion Unveils New Tool to Manage Cloud Admin Permissions – MyChesCo

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PHILADELPHIA, PA — Kion recently launched a new identity and access management (IAM) capability designed to discover, manage, and remediate overprivileged administrators across an organization’s cloud infrastructure. The new feature, called Admin Audit, aims to enhance security by providing a comprehensive view of all cloud admins within an organization, spanning hundreds or even thousands of cloud accounts.

Admin Audit automatically identifies both human and machine users with administrative permissions. This includes those with permissions directly applied and those who can obtain admin rights indirectly through methods such as role-chaining or privilege escalation. The goal is to ensure least-privilege access, minimizing the risk associated with overprivileged accounts.

Brandon Turner, VP of Engineering at Kion, highlighted the persistent issue of cloud-related data breaches due to mismanaged identities. “Configuring these identities across multiple cloud accounts and providers has been a significant challenge,” Turner said. “Admin Audit scans your entire environment, revealing not only obvious admins but also hidden figures with indirect admin abilities, known as ‘accidental admins.’ These users can often operate unchecked, creating new roles with broad rights or accessing other principals with admin permissions.”

Admin Audit provides CloudOps and security teams with the tools to manage complex multicloud environments more confidently. It offers Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) functionality, traditionally found only in security software, within a multicloud operations platform. This integration helps organizations effectively manage permissions and safeguard sensitive data.

Kion’s IAM capabilities have received industry recognition for their user-friendly approach to managing individual access to cloud resources across multiple providers and regions. The platform uses a customizable hierarchical organizational structure and an inheritance model to consolidate policies and rules, reducing the risk of misconfigurations and ensuring consistent application of IAM policies throughout an organization.

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Initially, the Admin Audit feature will support AWS and will be available in Kion’s upcoming v3.10 release.

This new capability from Kion addresses a critical need in cloud security, offering organizations a way to improve visibility and control over administrative access in their cloud environments. By identifying and managing overprivileged admins, companies can better protect themselves against potential data breaches and other security risks.

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