Introducing Ruzzy, a coverage-guided Ruby fuzzer – Security Boulevard

16 minutes, 10 seconds Read

By Matt Schwager

Trail of Bits is excited to introduce Ruzzy, a coverage-guided fuzzer for pure Ruby code and Ruby C extensions. Fuzzing helps find bugs in software that processes untrusted input. In pure Ruby, these bugs may result in unexpected exceptions that could lead to denial of service, and in Ruby C extensions, they may result in memory corruption. Notably, the Ruby community has been missing a tool it can use to fuzz code for such bugs. We decided to fill that gap by building Ruzzy.

Ruzzy is heavily inspired by Google’s Atheris, a Python fuzzer. Like Atheris, Ruzzy uses libFuzzer for its coverage instrumentation and fuzzing engine. Ruzzy also supports AddressSanitizer and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer when fuzzing C extensions.

This post will go over our motivation behind building Ruzzy, provide a brief overview of installing and running the tool, and discuss some of its interesting implementation details. Ruby revelers rejoice, Ruzzy* is here to reveal a new era of resilient Ruby repositories.

* If you’re curious, Ruzzy is simply a portmanteau of Ruby and fuzz, or fuzzer.

Bringing fuzz testing to Ruby

The Trail of Bits Testing Handbook provides the following definition of fuzzing:

Fuzzing represents a dynamic testing method that inputs malformed or unpredictable data to a system to detect security issues, bugs, or system failures. We consider it an essential tool to include in your testing suite.

Fuzzing is an important testing methodology when developing high-assurance software, even in Ruby. Consider AFL’s extensive trophy case, rust-fuzz’s trophy case, and OSS-Fuzz’s claim that it’s helped find and fix over 10,000 security vulnerabilities and 36,000 bugs with fuzzing. As mentioned previously, Python has Atheris. Java has Jazzer. The Ruby community deserves a high-quality, modern fuzzing tool too.

This isn’t to say that Ruby fuzzers haven’t been built before. They have: kisaten, afl-ruby, FuzzBert, and perhaps some we’ve missed. However, all these tools appear to be either unmaintained, difficult to use, lacking features, or all of the above. To address these challenges, Ruzzy is built on three principles:

  1. Fuzz pure Ruby code and Ruby C extensions
  2. Make fuzzing easy by providing a RubyGems installation process and simple interface
  3. Integrate with the extensive libFuzzer ecosystem

With that, let’s give this thing a test drive.

Installing and running Ruzzy

The Ruzzy repository is well documented, so this post will provide an abridged version of installing and running the tool. The goal here is to provide a quick overview of what using Ruzzy looks like. For more information, check out the repository.

First things first, Ruzzy requires a Linux environment and a recent version of Clang (we’ve tested back to version 14.0.0). Releases of Clang can be found on its GitHub releases page. If you’re on a Mac or Windows computer, then you can use Docker Desktop on Mac or Windows as your Linux environment. You can then use Ruzzy’s Docker development environment to run the tool. With that out of the way, let’s get started.

Run the following command to install Ruzzy from RubyGems:

MAKE="make --environment-overrides V=1" 
LDSHARED="/path/to/clang -shared" 
LDSHAREDXX="/path/to/clang++ -shared" 
    gem install ruzzy

These environment variables ensure the tool is compiled and installed correctly. They will be explored in greater detail later in this post. Make sure to update the /path/to portions to point to your clang installation.

Fuzzing Ruby C extensions

To facilitate testing the tool, Ruzzy includes a “dummy” C extension with a heap-use-after-free bug. This section will demonstrate using Ruzzy to fuzz this vulnerable C extension.

First, we need to configure Ruzzy’s required sanitizer options:

export ASAN_OPTIONS="allocator_may_return_null=1:detect_leaks=0:use_sigaltstack=0"

(See the Ruzzy README for why these options are necessary in this context.)

Next, start fuzzing:

LD_PRELOAD=$(ruby -e 'require "ruzzy"; print Ruzzy::ASAN_PATH') 
    ruby -e 'require "ruzzy"; Ruzzy.dummy'

LD_PRELOAD is required for the same reason that Atheris requires it. That is, it uses a special shared object that provides access to libFuzzer’s sanitizers. Now that Ruzzy is fuzzing, it should quickly produce a crash like the following:

INFO: Running with entropic power schedule (0xFF, 100).
INFO: Seed: 2527961537
==45==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x50c0009bab80 at pc 0xffff99ea1b44 bp 0xffffce8a67d0 sp 0xffffce8a67c8
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free /var/lib/gems/3.1.0/gems/ruzzy-0.7.0/ext/dummy/dummy.c:18:24 in _c_dummy_test_one_input
MS: 4 EraseBytes-CopyPart-CopyPart-ChangeBit-; base unit: 410e5346bca8ee150ffd507311dd85789f2e171e
artifact_prefix='./'; Test unit written to ./crash-253420c1158bc6382093d409ce2e9cff5806e980
Base64: SEk=

Fuzzing pure Ruby code

Fuzzing pure Ruby code requires two Ruby scripts: a tracer script and a fuzzing harness. The tracer script is required due to an implementation detail of the Ruby interpreter. Every tracer script will look nearly identical. The only difference will be the name of the Ruby script you’re tracing.

First, the tracer script. Let’s call it test_tracer.rb:

require 'ruzzy'


Next, the fuzzing harness. A fuzzing harness wraps a fuzzing target and passes it to the fuzzing engine. In this case, we have a simple fuzzing target that crashes when it receives the input “FUZZ.” It’s a contrived example, but it demonstrates Ruzzy’s ability to find inputs that maximize code coverage and produce crashes. Let’s call this harness test_harness.rb:

require 'ruzzy'

def fuzzing_target(input)
  if input.length == 4
    if input[0] == 'F'
      if input[1] == 'U'
        if input[2] == 'Z'
          if input[3] == 'Z'

test_one_input = lambda do |data|
  fuzzing_target(data) # Your fuzzing target would go here
  return 0


You can start the fuzzing process with the following command:

LD_PRELOAD=$(ruby -e 'require "ruzzy"; print Ruzzy::ASAN_PATH') 
    ruby test_tracer.rb

This should quickly produce a crash like the following:

INFO: Running with entropic power schedule (0xFF, 100).
INFO: Seed: 2311041000
/app/ruzzy/bin/test_harness.rb:12:in `block in ': unhandled exception
    from /var/lib/gems/3.1.0/gems/ruzzy-0.7.0/lib/ruzzy.rb:15:in `c_fuzz'
    from /var/lib/gems/3.1.0/gems/ruzzy-0.7.0/lib/ruzzy.rb:15:in `fuzz'
    from /app/ruzzy/bin/test_harness.rb:35:in `'
    from bin/test_tracer.rb:7:in `require_relative'
    from bin/test_tracer.rb:7:in `
' ... SUMMARY: libFuzzer: fuzz target exited MS: 1 CopyPart-; base unit: 24b4b428cf94c21616893d6f94b30398a49d27cc 0x46,0x55,0x5a,0x5a, FUZZ artifact_prefix='./'; Test unit written to ./crash-aea2e3923af219a8956f626558ef32f30a914ebc Base64: RlVaWg==

Ruzzy used libFuzzer’s coverage-guided instrumentation to discover the input (“FUZZ”) that produces a crash. This is one of Ruzzy’s key contributions: coverage-guided support for pure Ruby code. We will discuss coverage support and more in the next section.

Interesting implementation details

You don’t need to understand this section to use Ruzzy, but fuzzing can often be more art than science, so we wanted to share some details to help demystify this dark art. We certainly learned a lot from the blog posts describing Atheris and Jazzer, so we figured we’d pay it forward. Of course, there are many interesting details that go into creating a tool like this but we’ll focus on three: creating a Ruby fuzzing harness, compiling Ruby C extensions with libFuzzer, and adding coverage support for pure Ruby code.

Creating a Ruby fuzzing harness

One of the first things you need when embarking on a fuzzing campaign is a fuzzing harness. The Trail of Bits Testing Handbook defines a fuzzing harness as follows:

A harness handles the test setup for a given target. The harness wraps the software and initializes it such that it is ready for executing test cases. A harness integrates a target into a testing environment.

When fuzzing Ruby code, naturally we want to write our fuzzing harness in Ruby, too. This speaks to goal number 2 from the beginning of this post: make fuzzing Ruby simple and easy. However, a problem arises when we consider that libFuzzer is written in C/C++. When using libFuzzer as a library, we need to pass a C function pointer to LLVMFuzzerRunDriver to initiate the fuzzing process. How can we pass arbitrary Ruby code to a C/C++ library?

Using a foreign function interface (FFI) like Ruby-FFI is one possibility. However, FFIs are generally used to go the other direction: calling C/C++ code from Ruby. Ruby C extensions seem like another possibility, but we still need to figure out a way to pass arbitrary Ruby code to a C extension. After much digging around in the Ruby C extension API, we discovered the rb_proc_call function. This function allowed us to use Ruby C extensions to bridge the gap between Ruby code and the libFuzzer C/C++ implementation.

In Ruby, a Proc is “an encapsulation of a block of code, which can be stored in a local variable, passed to a method or another Proc, and can be called. Proc is an essential concept in Ruby and a core of its functional programming features.” Perfect, this is exactly what we needed. In Ruby, all lambda functions are also Procs, so we can write fuzzing harnesses like the following:

require 'json'
require 'ruzzy'

json_target = lambda do |data|
  return 0


In this example, the json_target lambda function is passed to Ruzzy.fuzz. Behind the scenes Ruzzy uses two language features to bridge the gap between Ruby code and a C interface: Ruby Procs and C function pointers. First, Ruzzy calls LLVMFuzzerRunDriver with a function pointer. Then, every time that function pointer is invoked, it calls rb_proc_call to execute the Ruby target. This allows the C/C++ fuzzing engine to repeatedly call the Ruby target with fuzzed data. Considering the example above, since all lambda functions are Procs, this accomplishes the goal of calling arbitrary Ruby code from a C/C++ library.

As with all good, high-level overviews, this is an oversimplification of how Ruzzy works. You can see the exact implementation in cruzzy.c.

Compiling Ruby C extensions with libFuzzer

Before we proceed, it’s important to understand that there are two Ruby C extensions we are considering: the Ruzzy C extension that hooks into the libFuzzer fuzzing engine and the Ruby C extensions that become our fuzzing targets. The previous section discussed the Ruzzy C extension implementation. This section discusses Ruby C extension targets. These are third-party libraries that use Ruby C extensions that we’d like to fuzz.

To fuzz a Ruby C extension, we need a way to compile the extension with libFuzzer and its associated sanitizers. Compiling C/C++ code for fuzzing requires special compile-time flags, so we need a way to inject these flags into the C extension compilation process. Dynamically adding these flags is important because we’d like to install and fuzz Ruby gems without having to modify the underlying code.

The mkmf, or MakeMakefile, module is the primary interface for compiling Ruby C extensions. The gem install process calls a gem-specific Ruby script, typically named extconf.rb, which calls the mkmf module. The process looks roughly like this:

gem install -> extconf.rb -> mkmf -> Makefile -> gcc/clang/CC ->

Unfortunately, by default mkmf does not respect common C/C++ compilation environment variables like CC, CXX, and CFLAGS. However, we can force this behavior by setting the following environment variable: MAKE="make --environment-overrides". This tells make that environment variables override Makefile variables. With that, we can use the following command to install Ruby gems containing C extensions with the appropriate fuzzing flags:

MAKE="make --environment-overrides V=1" 
LDSHARED="/path/to/clang -shared" 
LDSHAREDXX="/path/to/clang++ -shared" 
CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,fuzzer-no-link -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-common -fPIC -g" 
CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,fuzzer-no-link -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-common -fPIC -g" 
    gem install msgpack

The gem we’re installing is msgpack, an example of a gem containing a C extension component. Since it deserializes binary data, it makes a great fuzzing target. From here, if we wanted to fuzz msgpack, we would create an msgpack fuzzing harness and initiate the fuzzing process.

If you’d like to find more fuzzing targets, searching GitHub for extconf.rb files is one of the best ways we’ve found to identify good C extension candidates.

Adding coverage support for pure Ruby code

Instead of Ruby C extensions, what if we want to fuzz pure Ruby code? That is, Ruby projects that do not contain a C extension component. If modifying install-time functionality via lengthy, not-officially-supported environment variables is a hacky solution, then what follows is not for the faint of heart. But, hey, a working solution with a little artistic freedom is better than no solution at all.

First, we need to cover the motivation for coverage support. Fuzzers derive some of their “smarts” from analyzing coverage information. This is a lot like code coverage information provided by unit and integration tests. While fuzzing, most fuzzers prioritize inputs that unlock new code branches. This increases the likelihood that they will find crashes and bugs. When fuzzing Ruby C extensions, Ruzzy can punt coverage instrumentation for C code to Clang. With pure Ruby code, we have no such luxury.

While implementing Ruzzy, we discovered one supremely useful piece of functionality: the Ruby Coverage module. The problem is that it cannot easily be called in real time by C extensions. If you recall, Ruzzy uses its own C extension to pass fuzz harness code to LLVMFuzzerRunDriver. To implement our pure Ruby coverage “smarts,” we need to pass in Ruby coverage information to libFuzzer in real time as the fuzzing engine executes. The Coverage module is great if you have a known start and stop point of execution, but not if you need to continuously gather coverage information and pass it to libFuzzer. However, we know the Coverage module must be implemented somehow, so we dug into the Ruby interpreter’s C implementation to learn more.

Enter Ruby event hooking. The TracePoint module is the official Ruby API for listening for certain types of events like calling a function, returning from a routine, executing a line of code, and many more. When these events fire, you can execute a callback function to handle the event however you’d like. So, this sounds great, and exactly like what we need. When we’re trying to track coverage information, what we’d really like to do is listen for branching events. This is what the Coverage module is doing, so we know it must exist under the hood somewhere.

Fortunately, the public Ruby C API provides access to this event hooking functionality via the rb_add_event_hook2 function. This function takes a list of events to hook and a callback function to execute whenever one of those events fires. By digging around in the source code a bit, we find that the list of possible events looks very similar to the list in the TracePoint module:

 37    #define RUBY_EVENT_NONE      0x0000 /** No events. */
 38    #define RUBY_EVENT_LINE      0x0001 /** Encountered a new line. */
 39    #define RUBY_EVENT_CLASS     0x0002 /** Encountered a new class. */
 40    #define RUBY_EVENT_END       0x0004 /** Encountered an end of a class clause. */

Ruby event hook types

If you keep digging, you’ll notice a distinct lack of one type of event: coverage events. But why? The Coverage module appears to be handling these events. If you continue digging, you’ll find that there are in fact coverage events, and that is how the Coverage module works, but you don’t have access to them. They’re defined as part of a private, internal-only portion of the Ruby C API:

 2182    /* #define RUBY_EVENT_RESERVED_FOR_INTERNAL_USE 0x030000 */ /* from vm_core.h */
 2183    #define RUBY_EVENT_COVERAGE_LINE                0x010000
 2184    #define RUBY_EVENT_COVERAGE_BRANCH              0x020000

Private coverage event hook types

That’s the bad news. The good news is that we can define the RUBY_EVENT_COVERAGE_BRANCH event hook ourselves and set it to the correct, constant value in our code, and rb_add_event_hook2 will still respect it. So we can use Ruby’s built-in coverage tracking after all! We can feed this data into libFuzzer in real time and it will fuzz accordingly. Discussing how to feed this data into libFuzzer is beyond the scope of this post, but if you’d like to learn more, we use SanitizerCoverage’s inline 8-bit counters, PC-Table, and data flow tracing.

There’s just one more thing.

During our testing, even though we added the correct event hook, we still weren’t successfully hooking coverage events. The Coverage module must be doing something we’re not seeing. If we call Coverage.start(branches: true), per the Coverage documentation, then things work as expected. The details here involve a lot of sleuthing in the Ruby interpreter source code, so we’ll cut to the chase. As best we can tell, it appears that calling Coverage.start, which effectively calls Coverage.setup, initializes some global state in the Ruby interpreter that allows for hooking coverage events. This initialization functionality is also part of a private, internal-only API. The easiest solution we could come up with was calling Coverage.setup(branches: true) before we start fuzzing. With that, we began successfully hooking coverage events as expected.

Having coverage events included in the standard library made our lives a lot easier. Without it, we may have had to resort to much more invasive and cumbersome solutions like modifying the Ruby code the interpreter sees in real time. However, it would have made our lives even easier if hooking coverage events were part of the official, public Ruby C API. We’re currently tracking this request at trailofbits/ruzzy#9.

Again, the information presented here is a slight oversimplification of the implementation details; if you’d like to learn more, then cruzzy.c and ruzzy.rb are great places to start.

Find more Ruby bugs with Ruzzy

We faced some interesting challenges while building this tool and attempted to hide much of the complexity behind a simple, easy to use interface. When using the tool, the implementation details should not become a hindrance or an annoyance. However, discussing them here in detail may spur the next fuzzer implementation or step forward in the fuzzing community. As mentioned previously, the Atheris and Jazzer posts were a great inspiration to us, so we figured we’d pay it forward.

Building the tool is just the beginning. The real value comes when we start using the tool to find bugs. Like Atheris for Python, and Jazzer for Java before it, Ruzzy is an attempt to bring a higher level of software assurance to the Ruby community. If you find a bug using Ruzzy, feel free to open a PR against our trophy case with a link to the issue.

If you’d like to read more about our work on fuzzing, check out the following posts:

Contact us if you’re interested in custom fuzzing for your project.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Trail of Bits Blog authored by Trail of Bits. Read the original post at:

This post was originally published on the 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this this site

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