Basic Digital Security Tips to Help Safeguard Your Home Network – Bellarine Times – Bellarine Times

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Have you ever considered how safe your home network is? We spend the majority of our time connected to the internet, so securing our private data is critical. 

Fear not: shielding your home network is not as difficult as it may seem. Without further ado, let’s look at the top 6 ways to protect your home network.

  • Always Use A VPN

The first rule to live by if you’re on a mission to bolster your home network security is to always use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Chances are, you have heard the term “VPN” floating around. What’s so great about it? 

A VPN encrypts your internet traffic. It can make you hard to trace by encrypting your data and sending it across remote servers. A VPN hides your IP address and protects your data whether you are surfing the web on your computer, checking apps on your smartphone, or watching shows while using an Apple TV VPN. Not only hackers but your internet service provider (ISP) also can’t spy on you.

A VPN has another noteworthy advantage. It enables you to bypass geo-restrictions, ensuring you access content restricted in your region. By using a VPN, you can enjoy your favourite TV shows, movies, and websites from the UK, the US, and beyond. This access to extra content alone is well worth getting a VPN.

  • Update Your Router

How long has it been since you last checked your router? Although it may be the least of your priorities, maintaining up-to-date hardware is crucial to a secure home network. Remember — routers are no different from any other device of yours that connects to the internet. As such, they are vulnerable to various exploits that cyber attackers might use. 

Frequent hardware updates are essential not only to patch up vulnerabilities but also to increase the safety of your devices. It is no wonder that many consumers view router maintenance as irrelevant, which makes them an easy target. Nonetheless, regular updates could help you avoid catastrophic security breaches. 

Moreover, the majority of modern router models provide automatic update features, helping to avoid an extra chore on your list. This will help you protect your home network for you and your loved ones — all with minimal effort!

  • Practice Good Password Hygiene

We all would like to think that making passwords is as simple as using your pet’s name or the year you were born. While that may have worked 15 years ago, today it would put your online accounts at risk. 

To strengthen your digital security, it’s essential to prioritise good password hygiene. Gone are the days of ‘123456’ or ‘password’ serving as gatekeepers to your accounts. Instead of relying on simple words, it’s paramount to craft strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. Yes, that means not using the same password for every login, something that many of us are guilty of to this day. 

To create a strong password, you should incorporate a mix of:

  • uppercase and lowercase letters, 
  • numbers, 
  • special characters.

This will help to ensure that your passwords are as difficult as possible for hackers to crack. If you’re struggling to remember all your logins, use a password manager. These can help to keep your passwords organised and avoid the headache of remembering all your login credentials.

By adopting these practices, you can ensure your accounts are safe from cyber threats.

  • Embrace Two-Factor Authentication

Chances are you’ve already encountered Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). But did you know that 2FA is also one of the most effective ways to secure your home network?

If a hacker or cybercriminal somehow gets a hold of your password through phishing or other social engineering means, they’d still need to follow two-step verification. This may include a code sent to your phone or a physical biometric verification. They won’t be able to get past the security of your home network or any account without a second verification factor. 

This extra layer of security can help to reduce the likelihood of unauthorised access. In short, 2FA allows you to add another layer to your login process, strengthening your home network’s security for priceless peace of mind. 

  • Be Wary Of Public Wi-Fi Connections

When was the last time you connected to a public WiFi network at the airport, your local café or even in the middle of a city centre? Most of us have done that, whether out of necessity or convenience. But here’s the thing: while public WiFi may seem convenient, it can pose some serious risks not only to your accounts and data, but also to your home network. This is because the lack of security infrastructure (i.e. secure passwords, firewalls, etc.) make public WiFi networks an easy target for hackers.

In the future, think twice before using public WiFi, and if you need to, be sure to use a VPN. A VPN encrypts your connection, making it far more challenging for the hacker to eavesdrop or intercept your data. It’s like adding an extra layer of security to your digital home, ensuring that your personal information stays safe even when you’re connected to public WiFi.

  • Stay Vigilant Against Phishing

Look through the texts and emails you received last month. Most likely you will find at least one phishing attempt that appears legitimate. Phishing schemes are getting sophisticated. Now, phishing email may feature a reputable company’s name and use its tone and logo, encouraging you to take immediate action.

However, the good news is that with a discerning eye and cautious approach, you can protect your home network from these deceptive tactics. For starters, scrutinise emails and texts for any inconsistency (spelling errors, weird email addresses etc), and always trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right or sounds too good to be true, call a legitimate contact to verify the authenticity of the message. 

Never click on any links or download attachments from suspicious emails or texts. These links could lead to malicious websites or download malware onto your devices, posing a significant threat to your home network security. If you are cautious about strange and suspicious communications, you can protect yourself from threats like phishing scams. 

And there you go — 6 basic digital security tips that will help you ensure your home network is kept safe from prying eyes and cybercriminals. All the best, and safe surfing! 


This post was originally published on the 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this this site

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