Introducing Sweet Security for Real Environments – Security Boulevard

2 minutes, 21 seconds Read

Sweet Security is thrilled to announce comprehensive support for on-premises and private cloud environments. This expansion enhances our existing capabilities for all major cloud platforms—Azure, AWS, and GCP—and virtual machines (VMs) such as AWS EC2s, Google Compute Engine, and Azure Virtual Machines.

Application environments are complex. It’s not merely just about Kubernetes, a single cloud provider, or a specific orchestration tool anymore. Many organizations navigate a landscape where legacy systems coexist in private clouds alongside workloads running on multiple public cloud platforms. 

Sweet recognizes these complexities and now provides a one-stop-shop for full visibility, protection, detection and response for these complex cloud environments.

Example Hybrid Cloud Environment for an Insurance Company

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Private and Public Cloud

Modern infrastructures are increasingly hybrid, spanning across cloud and on-premises environments. Sweet Security now seamlessly integrates with both realms, providing unified security across your entire infrastructure regardless of its deployment model. This capability ensures that whether your applications reside in the cloud or on-premises, you maintain consistent visibility and protection.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Virtual Machines (VMs) 

In addition to cloud-native environments, Sweet Security protects virtual machines (VMs) across AWS EC2s, Google Compute Engine, and Azure Virtual Machines. This capability allows organizations with diverse infrastructure footprints, including legacy systems and hybrid environments, to benefit from Sweet’s advanced threat detection and response capabilities.

Kubernetes Across all Cloud Providers

Sweet Security reinforces its commitment to Kubernetes security by enhancing support across major cloud providers. This includes comprehensive monitoring of Kubernetes API activities, container processes, and more, ensuring holistic security from development to runtime. Whether you’re leveraging Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Sweet Security offers tailored protection for your containerized environments. 

Sweet Security’s capabilities go beyond traditional security measures. By monitoring cloud audit logs, APIs, Layer 7 traffic, and application/container processes, we provide unparalleled visibility into your complex environments. This holistic view enables us to detect and respond swiftly to sophisticated attacks orchestrated by threat actors. Correlating application-level activity with infrastructure events ensures that no threat goes unnoticed, safeguarding your critical assets effectively.

By integrating Sweet into your cloud infrastructure, you can confidently navigate the complexities of modern application environments, knowing that you have full visibility, robust protection, and effective detection and response mechanisms at your disposal.

Contact us to schedule a demo

The post Introducing Sweet Security for Real Environments appeared first on Sweet.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog – Sweet authored by Lea Edelstein. Read the original post at:

This post was originally published on the 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this this site

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